Monday 17 March 2008

Important information if you ask for a re-review or appeal

Thanks to Jim (Tcell) for raising this. Also thanks for Steve (who is a Benefits Writer & Trainer) of the Benefits & Work website for coming back so quick with an answer.

The issue was:

"If I ask for a re-review or an appeal. Could that process result in the original decision made. Being lowered or my Disability Living Allowance being removed?"

I posted this to the members forum on Benefits & Work. You may need to subscribe to get access to this.

Steve replied:

"I'm afraid the answer to your question is that when you ask for a decision to be looked at again your award can be reduced or removed altogether. That applies regardless of the nature of the decision you are asking to have looked at.

Clearly the likelihood of this happening will depend very much on what evidence there is to support the current award. It's part of a welfare rights worker's job to assess the strength of a case and advise on the degree of risk - but there will always be some."

I mention this so that you can make a considered decision if you are unhappy with the result of your review and wish to challenge it.

Also I hope you see what a valuable resource the Benefits & Work website is.

If you want to read more about the site click here.

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