Friday, 29 February 2008

Positive Nation needs your letters

OK, just got off the phone with Positive Nation. They are running a feature on the DLA reviews in the next edition which goes to press next week.

What they have asked for is letters from people affected by this - you don't have to identify yourself, they will change the name or publish suitable stuff anonymously.

Email how you feel or what's happened to you to

It looks like most people affected by this are older gay men living in London - is there anyone from outside London or who isn't a gay man that can add something to the debate.

Word is that many of people reviewed are having their DLA withdrawn totally, so make sure that you discuss this with your HIV specialist BEFORE they are asked to fill in the review questionnaire.

From Benefits & Work.

Given the nature of this I am sorry to drown the previous post so soon. Please make sure you read the post below this as it is good news.

If you need more info go to the Benefits & Work website.

I told the webmaster I wouldn't copy anything he authored. But this is important and I am sure he won't mind. You may also have received it if you are on the email list anyway. Go to the main B&W website for the detail.

Just recieved in the email :

"Will you challenge the benefits millionaire maker?

Dear Reader,

The number of calls and emails we're receiving from claimants who are terrified about what's going to happen to them is reaching unmanageable proportions. Every new government statement on incapacity benefits seems to push more people into a state of panic.

We believe it's time to challenge what is almost a campaign of incitement to hatred of incapacity benefit claimants currently being waged by both labour and the conservatives. We're starting with an attempt to have David 'Benefits' Freud - the benefits millionaire maker - investigated by the parliamentary ombudsman. But we're barred from making a complaint, so we really do need your help.

In addition, a warning that the Benefits and Work website will be offline for a few days in about a fortnight as we install our new look.

Plus, news that the first lie detectors have been installed in Jobcentre Plus offices, Atos Healthcare have taken over their first GPs surgery, drug users aren't really going to be forced to have treatment or lose benefits and new guidance has been issued to GPs providing DLA evidence.

Oh, and there's another article about 'Benefits' Freud.

Next month we plan to look at which voluntary sector agencies are colluding in the war of terror being waged against claimants and what can be done about them.

Meanwhile, there are still places available on our Employment and Support Allowance training day on April 3rd in Bristol."

Some good news for the weekend.

Click here for the initial posting on this earlier in the blog. The "close relative" has been re-awarded DLA at the "higher rate".

This is the second positive outcome I have heard about.

More info is on the way and I will post it when I get it.

I know that reading into this subject it can be quite depressing. We are all uncertain as to our outcomes. But this is good and hopeful news.

Maybe our coming together as a community is having some effect. Maybe we will never know.

Either way its a good start to the weekend !

Information on AIDS/HIV on DWP.

I strongly recommend you read the detail on the DWP here.

Click here to navigate to the DWP Corporate Medical Group HIV/Aids information.

You may find this useful as to understanding how the DWP interpret with in the bands - Mild / Moderate / Severe Functional Restriction. Found in the Care and Mobility Considerations.

This table on "Most common disabling conditions" is also worth a look.

My partner is also going to add some downloadable charts to the document page. These are a flow charts showing the dependancies between the DLA & other benefits. There are two, one for under 50's one for over.

I need the person who ...

Was at the meeting on Monday. Was sat a few rows behind me. Had a White T Shirt on.

He/You spoke about having to give up a highly paid job etc.

Can you get in touch with me please.


Thursday, 28 February 2008

Disability and Carers Service Performance Standards 2007-08

Want to know the standard of service the DCS is working to in processing your claim.

Click here.

Some thanks are due...

Thank you to

Peter of The Eddie Surman Trust. And the friend who facilitated the introduction.

I would ask you to take some time and navigate to the trust by
clicking here. You can read Eddie's Letter by clicking here.

I declare an interest here I have donated to this charity in the past.

The Wharfside Patients Forum. Thank you all for allowing us to visit your meeting this evening. I found the meeting very interesting and learnt much. Always supportive and very much appreciated.

New page on website.

Partner has added another page where we will place key documents for download. He is currently working to get the documents to open in a browser. Though we believe this is not working properly because of the hosting we are presently using.

It should however download the documents to your machine for you to open.

The powerpoint presentation from the NAM/THT meeting is now there. It has been converted to pdf so many will be able to read it.

We use up to date antivirus software. That said. Please make sure your Mac/PC has current and up to date anti virus software also.

Files in the pdf format can be opened using the Preview application on an Apple Mac. If you have a Mac/PC you can get Adobe Reader (pdf reader) free from

Though most recent machines will have this installed already.

DWP Consultation.

The DWP have started a public consultation entitled :

Helping people achieve their full potential : Improving Specialist Disability Employment Services.

You might find this of interest and can submit your comments. Click the title to go to the consultation.

If you want to see what is new at the DWP Click here

Government announced today ...

If you want to keep abreast of issues affecting benefits. I would advise you to subscribe to the email list on the Benefits & Work website.

New measures being announced today about getting people back to work.

Minsters have been on BBC News 24 today.

Click here for story on BBC News website.

Here it is in text,

Private firms to find people work
Private firms and voluntary groups are to be offered cash incentives to get unemployed people into work for longer.
The changes will affect about 250,000 long-term unemployed people and all new claimants for sickness benefits.

Cabinet minister James Purnell said a "radical blueprint" was needed to get people into "sustainable" jobs.

Meanwhile an MPs' committee has found that 40% of jobseekers allowance claimants who find a job are out of work again within six months.

The public accounts committee concludes: "Despite high employment levels many people cycle between work and benefits."

Longer contracts

Work and Pensions Secretary Mr Purnell has announced a "commissioning strategy" that will see more private companies and voluntary groups involved in finding work for people on benefits - following a review by investment banker David Freud.

New contractors are expected to be offered incentives for getting people into work for at least six months, with further incentives planned in the future for increasing it to 18 months.

In return, they will get larger contracts which last up to seven years - twice as long as usual.

The public accounts committee report also criticised the fact the government had considered 13 weeks a "yardstick" for sustained employment, saying it was "too short".

Gordon Brown is tinkering around the edges - a bit of reform here, a bit of participation by the private sector, a slight toughening of sanctions
Chris Grayling

Mr Purnell said there was a "big challenge" adding: "We have got really radical goals, getting one million off incapacity benefit, we need a radical blueprint to achieve it."

He told BBC 2's Newsnight: "We've had a big improvement in terms of getting the unemployment level down; now we need to get the inactivity level down."

He added: "We've had three million new jobs under this government. That is not a culture of dependency, that's a real success in terms of full employment."

'Economically rational'

Incapacity benefit costs the Treasury about £12bn a year. But the Department for Work and Pensions said recently the number of claimants was at its lowest since 2000.

Mr Freud has said that of the 2.7 million people claiming incapacity benefit, only 700,000 need it.

He estimates it would be "economically rational" to pay up to £62,000 to a company which placed an incapacity benefit claimant in a job for at least three years.

Of the government's latest plans, shadow work and pensions secretary Chris Grayling said the government was trying to "steal Conservative language on welfare reform".

"We've set out very clear and very detailed plans for welfare reform based on the experience in other countries, a very full package," he said.

"Gordon Brown is tinkering around the edges - a bit of reform here, a bit of participation by the private sector, a slight toughening of sanctions. Nothing like the scale of radical change we would need."

The Liberal Democrats have previously welcomed the use of the voluntary and private sector to help more people back into employment, but said it must be "properly financed, and include provisions to help those with serious problems such as low skills or mental health problems".

But unions have raised concerns that contracting out services will lead to job cuts and "lower standards and the exploitation of claimants".

DWP Press release click here.

I also found this interesting.
Check Nick Robinsons Blog on this also.


Thanks Ola/Zoe for getting back so quick with the THT presentation. It is in the process of being added to the main site for download.

Wednesday, 27 February 2008

We need a meeting place?

As part of our drive to become more organised. We need a meeting space so that those of us who are driving this campaign can come together regularly and plan.

If you are reading this and work for an organisation that would be willing to give us a room where we can meet. It will have to be evenings as some work. I would be very grateful if you would get in touch via

Freedom Passes.

Some are concerned that they might loose there entitlement to their Freedom Passes if they face a change to there Disability Living / Mobility Allowance.

Some councils do award Freedom Passes to those who may not be eligible for DLA. Doing so depending on the circumstances of individual concerned & at the discretion of the Local Council.

Check with your own Local Council if you have any concerns.

Tuesday, 26 February 2008

The last 24 Hours.

Just want to make you all aware of what has happened since the NAM/THT meeting.

You may recall a gentlemen. Who contributed to this meeting last evening. Who seemed to have some specific benefits realted knowledge. I have had some discussions with him. I will check to see if they he doesn't mind me using their first names on here. UPDATE : His name is Steve and he has good background experience.

Steve will be providing some information on the process we might go through when challenging any adverse decision we might have on our reviews. I will post it when I get it. Thanks guys.

They along with many of the comments both last evening and received during the day.

Clearly point to us having to organise ourselves better.

Many have the professional skill sets we need to make a start, and have made them available to help fight the issues we face. Though to move forward will need to find others with appropriate specialist skill to also help.

Time is the enemy of us all so we must seek to use it wisely.

Again pointing to the need to put a structure in place to play to our strengths as a community. Where serving the community as a whole is paramount and “ego” is left at the door.

So the current "background" conversation is around forming a "legally defined" organisation, a charity. So we can fight under the banner of a group rather than individually.Applying for funding for the incidental costs of running a campaign.

Clearly there is a niche for a national organisation to campaign for those within all of our HIV community. Who, for whatever reason. Rely on the state to meet their day-to-day financial needs.
  • To ensure that our community can access clear information for they or there support workers to use to help get those with HIV, the financial assistance they are entitled to.
  • To raise awareness of the issues the HIV+ community faces to ensure fairness from the State in relation to benefits.
  • To utilise the strengths and skills within our community to achieve this.
  • An organisation that remains, independent, politically impartial, where no conflict of interest prevents campaigning on the issues.
  • Deriving funding on the basis it is without strings allowing the voice of our community to be free.
  • That where you live & how your local council invests it money in HIV services, doesn’t dictate who you can approach for support.
  • To partner with likeminded organisations subject to the aforementioned.
  • An organisation open & transparent to those who may use it.
  • Accountable & scrutinised by those who use it.
  • Ideally a co-operative type model where we all hold a stake.
  • Where those who hold the necessary offices of responsibility do so on the basis that stakeholders have clearly indicated their ongoing approval.
  • That our aim should be to accept criticism as a driver towards excellence. Where it is always welcome.
Always moving forward. Thinking out of the box and out of our comfort zone where necessary.
Realising our limitations today are our goals for growth, tomorrow.

Initially this organisation will, because of size, only be able to generally help though the web & other media. Provide general guidance and information.

An organisation that empowers members of our community to tackle the benefit issues they face more specifically and independently. Giving the confidence to do so.

Though its existence & work. Shines a light on the failure of others i.e. the state. Taking them to task where appropriate.

I believe our community fell asleep. Many I meet are “seasoned” campaigners who fought for the rights our community have enjoyed, including myself, since the early days of HIV/AIDS. Many of these have because of age, numerous drug regimes and the results of surviving long term with HIV. Are not able to be as vocal or active of some of us. But we must harness this vast pool of strategic & tactical campaigning experience.

Most of us have Disability Living Allowance because of the fighting these people did at the time.

I have benefitted from this early work. Now it is my turn to stand up and be counted. I am so grateful for the advice, guidance and support.

We were caught of guard. We have some catching up to do. Our campaigning is already showing some results. We can do more.

We must not allow our community to sleep again. We must ensure the “mantle is always” passed on. Under the guidance of those who came before & learnt many of the lessons.

We know the how & why we feel let down over getting help with our benefit problems. Lets right this shameful wrong.

Many people who find this site thank me. Which I appreciate.

What can I do to help? They ask.

Very simple.

  • If you have a view or opinion express it.
  • If you have a criticism, make it.
  • But to serve us all. Spread the word, create awareness.
  • If you only tell one other person that is a tremendous contribution to this cause. Awareness is golden.
These are my views and opinions. Please. I invite your comments.

This should be by us, for us, to serve us.

New website is live & picture of me posted.

Thanks to my partner for doing this so quickly and taking this off my hands.

Please feed back any errors or suggestions to

I have also added a picture of myself to the blog. I hopes this helps anyone who may come across this site. Realise there is a real person, a lay man (no pun intended) behind this.

THT meeting notes.

I have asked NAM to provide me with an electronic version of the THT presentation so those that missed getting a copy. Will be able to download it.

Current website.

Just to let you know my partner has now been tasked with the web stuff. He is currently redesigning the current website to make it more "user friendly".

The blog and current website were rushed as the situation demanded. Clearly we need to bring together the talent to bring the information from all sources together in a more "editorially" friendly and readable way.

We hope to place the new web site soon.

Any ideas would be welcome. This is after all, our resource and we will only all benefit if we contribute.

Thanks all.

Standard forms ...

Thank you to those who have raised this last evening and reminded me today.

Many feel a standard letter that people can print off and sign to send to their MP is a good idea. I agree.

I had alot of offers of help with this project last evening. This is one thing I will be discussing with some of those more skilled in these matters over the next few days (you have been warned LOL).

We also want to create other standard forms i.e. a sheet you can print off, daily for tracking your health for example. Any other ideas welcome.

Just a quick note.

Unfortunately today has been a day of appointments. So I will hopefully post later this evening

Monday, 25 February 2008

Meeting tonight update.

Thanks to Zoe from NAM for arranging this. Also on a personal level thanks to Ola for her presentation and time. It cannot have been easy for her.

The meeting was well attended (over 80). Much to the surprise of us all.

Thanks to all who attended. It is only as a community coming together that we can stand any chance to fight this.

To those who I told to email me rather than speak to . Forgive me I wasn't being rude. Only an email allows me the time to fully understand the comments & issues you raise and push it out to get any answer you need. I would forget otherwise.

Thank you to all for your support.

I will post more on tonights meeting on the web tomorrow and once I have confirmed some points of process that were raised.

NAM & THT meeting tonite..

If you need a map to the University of London click here.

There are some Blue Badge Disabled Parking spaces on Malet Street, One on Morwell Street, Store Street & Chenies Street.

Though parking should be free after 6.30pm.

Please take care not to park in a Green Badge Disabled Parking bay. Camden operates is own scheme for this inner London area and you may get a ticket. These bays are clearly marked.

See main website for details of meeting.