Moving forward. New posts will only be made to the blog on our main website -
We welcome you to the new site. It has a search feature that should help you to find the information more readily.

We have updated the letter you can send your MP - click here. Even if you have written before please continue to raise this issue, especially relevant in the current climate.
You can find your MP by typing your post code in to this website.
Picked up from the Benefits & Work website forums I thought is was worth highlighting this article - "Is Labour abolishing illness"- from The New Statesman for all visitors here to read.
Written by "Alison Ravetz is a professor emeritus of Leeds Metropolitan University who writes on housing policy and welfare reform"
The article can be found at
If you claim any benefit now. Given the current political climate where the government maybe more receptive to the issues you face. It is a good idea to remind your MP of the issues you face living with HIV.
If you don't claim any benefits at the present time. What is being allowed to happen today. May affect you in the future should you find yourself in the situation where you need to claim for benefits.
Either way, please write to your local MP if only to raise the issues facing all of us who live with this illness. Problems with benefits, loss of the 10p starting rate of tax or any issues you face trying to maintain full time employment.
You can find your MP by clicking here.
This web site will also tell you how your MP votes on certain issues. It maybe of interest for when you next vote.