Saturday, 12 April 2008

Fuel Poverty - Battling Bills - What help is there?

You may find this story from the BBC Website useful. Click here for original story. It contains many links to help.

"Battling bills - what help is there?

With average gas and electricity costs now totalling more than £1,000 a year, many families may be worried about paying their fuel bills this winter. This guide outlines what help is available.

Home Heat helpline
0800 33 66 99
Energywatch helpline
08459 06 07 08
Eaga benefit entitlement check
0191 247 3800
As well as the general help listed here, suppliers often offer grants, special tariffs and other measures on a case-by-case basis.

If you are having trouble paying your bill you should check with your supplier to find out what help is available from them.


What is it?
A tax-free annual benefit, it is usually paid from November.

Who is eligible?
Those aged 60 or over by 24 September 2006 and who normally live in the United Kingdom.

How much?
How much you get varies according to personal circumstances. For example, a person living alone, or who is the only person in their household who qualifies, would receive £200 - or £300 if they are aged 80 and over.

How to apply?
If you have not had the payment before and are not getting a state pension or another benefit (apart from housing benefit, council tax benefit or child benefit) the payment will not be automatic, you need to apply.

You can get a claim form by calling 08459 151 515.
Or see this page on the Direct.Gov website.


What is it?
The payment is made when the average temperature is recorded as, or forecast to be, 0C (32F) or below over seven consecutive days.

Who is eligible?
You are entitled if you receive the following:

pension credit
income support or income-based jobseeker's allowance and there is a child aged under five in your family
pensioner premium, higher pensioner premium or enhanced pensioner premium
a disability premium or severe disability premium
a disabled child premium or a child tax credit that includes an individual element for a child or qualifying young person who is disabled or severely disabled
How much?
A one-off payment of £8.50.

How to apply?
The payment is made automatically.



What is it?
A grant scheme in England providing heating and insulation in privately owned or rented homes.

Depending on an applicant's needs, it will pay for things such as loft insulation, draught proofing, gas room heaters with thermostat controls gas and electric or oil central heating.
Energy advice and two low-energy light bulbs are also available.

Who is eligible?
You may get a grant if you get one or more of the following benefits:

working tax credit (with an income of less than £15,050 and which must include a disability element)
child tax credit (with an income of less than £15,050)
attendance allowance
disability living allowance
income support (must include a disability premium)
housing benefit (must include a disability premium)
council tax benefit (must include a disability premium)
war disablement pension (must include a mobility supplement or a constant attendance allowance)
industrial injuries disablement benefit (must include constant attendance allowance)
you have a child under 16, or are pregnant, and get income support or council tax benefit or housing benefit or income-based jobseeker's allowance or pension credit
you are aged 60 or over and get pension credit, or council tax benefit, or housing benefit or income-based jobseeker's allowance
How much?
Grants range up to £2,700 - or up to £4,000 if your home needs oil central heating.

How to apply?
You will need to complete an application form before an adviser visits you to assess and recommend work for your property. Call 0800 316 6011.

What is it?
Offers grants for a range of energy-saving measures, including cavity wall insulation, draught proofing, four energy-saving light bulbs, plus energy efficiency advice.

Who is eligible?
You may get a grant if you get one or more of the following benefits:

attendance allowance
child tax credit (with an income of less than £15,050)
council tax benefit
disability living allowance
disabled person's tax credit
housing benefit
income-based jobseeker's allowance
income support
industrial injuries disablement benefit (must include constant attendance allowance)
pension credit
war disablement pension (must include mobility supplement or constant attendance allowance)
working tax credit (with an income of less than £15,050)
How much?
A maximum of £500.

How to apply?
Telephone 0800 316 6009


What is it?
Funded by the Scottish Executive, it is a non means-tested scheme, providing free central heating and insulation packages for those whose system is broken and beyond repair, or who do not have one at all.

Who is eligible?
Residents in Scotland aged 60 and over who are home owners or rent in the private sector. They must have been resident at the address of application for at least a year and it must be their main home and not subject to a demolition order.

The address must be self-contained and have no central heating, or the existing central heating system must be completely broken and beyond repair.

How much?
Up to £3,500.

How to apply?
Telephone 0800 316 1653.


What is it?
Replaces heating systems, plus other measures such as a free smoke alarm, assistance with care and help moving and replacing furniture while heating is fitted.

Who is eligible?
Anyone over 80 who has a partial or inefficient system, generally more than 20 years old.

How much?
Up to £3,500.

How to apply?
Telephone 0800 316 1653.

What is it?
Provides grants for energy efficiency measures - such as loft insulation, low energy light bulbs and gas room heaters - and energy advice.

Who is eligible?
Those in receipt of the following benefits and have a child under 16, or are pregnant:

income support
working tax credit (with an income of less than £15,050)
council tax benefit
child tax credit (with an income of less than £15,050)
housing benefit
income-based jobseeker's allowance
How much?
Up to £1,500.

How to apply?
Telephone 0800 316 2815.

HEES plus in Wales

What is it?
Aimed at owner-occupiers or private tenants in Wales, it provides grants for energy efficiency measures and gives tailored energy efficiency advice.

Who is eligible?
People aged 60 or over, or one-parent families with a child under 16, and in receipt of one or more of the following:

income support
housing benefit
council tax benefit
state pension credit
income-based job seeker's allowance

Householders who are disabled or chronically sick, and in receipt of one or more of the following:

working tax credit
housing benefit
income support
council tax benefit, plus the disability element
disability living allowance
attendance allowance
industrial injuries disablement benefit, plus constant attendance allowance
war disablement pension plus constant attendance allowance
attendance allowance
mobility supplement

Householders with children under 16 living in the property, who are claiming child benefit with the child receiving disability living allowance.

How much?
Up to £2,700

How to apply?
Telephone 0800 316 2815.


What is it?
Funded by the Department for Social Development, it is aimed at owner-occupiers and people who rent their homes from private landlords in Northern Ireland. It is not available for public sector properties.

The fund gives a grant for a package of energy efficiency and heating measures.

Who is eligible?
Householders of any age (the applicant or their spouse) who have a child under the age of 16 and who are in receipt of one or more of the following benefits:

housing benefit
rate rebate
income support
income-based job seeker's allowance
child tax credit
expectant mothers in receipt of a Maternity certificate (MAT B1) and one of the above benefits

Householders under 60 (the applicant or their spouse) who are in receipt of one or more of the following disability-related benefits:

disability living allowance
housing benefit (with disability premium)
rate rebate (with disability premium
income support (with disability premium)
working tax credit (with disability premium) and NHS tax exemption certificate
war disablement pension (with mobility supplement or constant attendance allowance)
industrial injuries disablement benefit (with constant attendance allowance)
How much?
Up to £750.

How to apply?
Telephone 0800 181 667.

What is it?
In addition to the warm homes scheme, includes measures such as installing new central heating systems.

Who is eligible?
Householders who are 60 years and over and are in receipt of one or more of the following benefits:

rate rebate
housing benefit
pension credit
income-based job seeker's allowance
attendance allowance
disability living allowance
working tax credit (with disability premium) and NHS tax exemption certificate
industrial injuries disablement benefit (with constant attendance allowance)
war disablement pension (with mobility supplement or constant attendance allowance)
How much?
Up to £3,700.

How to apply?
Telephone 0800 181 667.


Aims to assist Powergen customers who are low income households facing financial difficulty and who may not be eligible for financial help from government schemes.

Can offer the following assistance:

payments in full or part to cover the cost of installing cavity wall insulation and/or loft insulation
payments in full or part to cover the cost of repairing or installing heating measures which in some cases could include repair of unsafe gas heating systems
payments in full or part could be made to cover the cost of household appliances
Telephone 0800 051 1480.


A charity that gives grants to people who have electricity, gas, telephone, and in some cases, other essential household bill debts.

Funded by EDF, its gives grants, and financial and energy efficiency advice.

You must be a domestic customer of London Energy, Seeboard Energy, Sweb Energy or EDF Energy.

There are two types of grants. They are for:

individuals to cover the payment of gas and electricity debts and other essential household bills or costs
voluntary organisations working in the field of money advice, debt counselling or energy efficiency advice
Telephone 01733 421050.


The British Gas Energy Trust, which incorporates the Scottish Gas Energy Trust, gives grants to help individuals and families in need to meet arrears of energy charges and other household bills and costs.

You must be a domestic customer of British Gas or Scottish Gas.

Can help with:

arrears of domestic gas/electricity charges
other essential domestic bills and costs. You can apply for such help even if you do not apply for help with your gas/electricity charges
Telephone 01733 421021.

A winter fuel rebate is also available of up to £90 to British Gas's most vulnerable customers.

Telephone 0845 601 2006.


Organisations and groups can apply for funding to support projects or schemes covering:

crisis funding, such as women and children needing emergency accommodation and vulnerable young people setting up their first home
benefits health checks or income maximisation. For example, helping households that are not claiming all the benefits to which they are entitled
energy efficiency measures
If you are having trouble paying your bill you should check with your supplier to find out what help is available. Many offer grants, and/or special tariffs and other measures.

Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2006/10/24 00:25:38 GMT


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