Monday 10 March 2008

Education ....

Some have mentioned. That whilst they have been unable to work or secure a job because of the discrimination & stigmatism they have faced.

That they have undertaken various forms of study that they have been able to fit in around the day-to-day problems they face with their HIV.

Some have at least one, if not, more degree's.

Yet when they try an apply for any job. The fact they have this wealth of educational achievement. Once HIV is mentioned. This seems to fall by the wayside.

They also face the issue of being "over qualified" for certain jobs.

Just thought I would mention this as an issue as I haven't picked up on it so far. I is just another problem we might have to face.

Clearly this indicates that people are willing to improve themselves by undertaking such activities. Well done if you have managed to do this.

Trying to get access to education is slightly easier than trying to get a job. But can also raises some common issues.

Most educational establishments will understand you have "bad days". That this can mean long periods where you cannot study. Will be compassionate to your lack of attendance. As they will usually put in place processes to ensure you do not suffer adversely.


Anonymous said...

Thanx John for bring up the education issue up.
I would like to add that I myself have applied for hundreds jobs over 7 years & not been invited to one interview.
Over Qualification & I hate to say it AGE (I suspect) being an issue.
As for a CV presentation the period from being unemployable
(made redundant in my case HIV related I might add) till now is a very difficult part in you CV to explain the wilderness years.

Dispite numerous advice from HIV 'back to work' sessions no one can actually say at what point do you tell a possible employer your status, During the interview? If you get the job? or EVER?

Some companies as far as I am aware & been told, ask for a medical on application. I know that there is suppose to be an 'anti-discrimination law' but put yourself in a situation if you do get a job offer there would be a certain amount of uncertaintity from the employer on your integrety on them finding out to late. In my passed experience when in full time employment in companies nothings ever kept a secret for long. So you have to put yourself in a very stressfull situation over & above the stress of the job itself. Discrimination is alive & successful in business today dispite what the powers that be might say.

I know there are good employers out there & a success can happen for a lucky few BUT they are few & far between dispite the 'LAWS' It all doesnt seem to me to be a very 'healthy' way to live.

From the fryingpan into the fire.

(A Blogger) (Dip. C&G. HND. MA distinctions in all)

John said...

Thank you for this.

You are right this is one of many issues.

If you get a job. The stress of your HIV comming out. Starts a "vicious cycle" of events.

The stress causes ill health, the ill health causes sick leave, the sick leave raises questions from the employer, because of many periods of sickness you loose your job, which makes your health suffer more.

Making you less strong to try again.

Remember if work causes your HIV & associated medical conditions to worsen. It raises the question as to "if you are actually able to work?". In the first place. What "safety net" exists if you are medically unable to work?


If you are thinking about work or can work and are worried about issues & stigmatism in the workplace connected to your HIV. You might find is prudent to join a TRADE UNION. And utilize the protections it affords its members.

As always. Your comments are always appreciated & welcome.


Anonymous said...

I have used my free time and DLA, which I have since my diagnosis in 1992, to obtain a high level of qualifications, degrees and Master. I am now working as a self emlpoyed designer and artist. I staretd working full time a year and half ago and I am still receiving DLA, currently been reviewed. if I lose it, I will became unemployed. There is no way that I will be able to earn enough as self employed without killing myself. My health will just not allows me to do so. It is a sad realization, and one that I experience everyday as I am able to compare myself with others in the same line of work, same age and same qualifications, who do not have hiv. The amount of time I spend in medical check ups, tests etc, or unwell, or dead tired, just does not compare. I have been able to do what I do just because of the extra financial support. I am not lazy, or a scrounger, I just tried to adjust my life as better as I could given the circumstances. They will make us unemployed and unemployable on top of it all.


John said...

Thank you for you comment. The main gist of the message I get is that people would like to be able to work but they are unable to meet the basic physical & mental level do to so.

However many feel they are being unduly labelled, to use your words as a "scrounger". Which is not the case.

We should bear in mind. That to get DLA you must have a medical condition that meets more detailed criteria than any other medically given benefit.


Anonymous said...

Dear All,

Thanx once again for this opportunity to air our views.

On recieving an HIV diagnosis & a DS1500 for LIFE, I decided then & there that I was to use the word POSITIVE in the way its interpreted in the dictionary: constructive rather than destructive.
I enrolled on a course at college with enthusiasim because I had only a few years to live & QUALITY of life for me & those around me was becoming more & more important. Knowledge to understand the world better. I could have just given up sold every thing & travelled the world! BUT NO I DECIDED TO LEARN because I wanted to believe that there WOULD BE A CURE in my life time.
When I was placed on my first set of medication & my HIV became more bareable & some say manageble, I had more hope for the future although still knowing that this wasnt a CURE, I started to think further ahead, set my goals each day just that bit further & took more suitable courses in the HOPE of going back to work.(colleges are so more accomodating for people with illnesses)
I was however PLEASED at the time knowing that the DLA was for LIFE & so knew that the extra money & car would be very useful in enabiling me to seek a lower paid postion & to seek work further afield. It was a saftey net & still allowing me to slowly regain confiedence to return to work after 17 years. No mean feat.

But now that saftey net is to be TAKEN AWAY the job prospects have become more limited to local jobs that wouldnt be suitable under the circumstances discussed above about discrimination, health & so forth.

A question that plays on my mind every day now that this is all going full steam ahead is: Have I spent painfull traumatic years trying to better myself ONLY to be forced to take up a job that I will not be happy in because of everything said before & above just so I can LIVE. Why cant the powers that be just listen instead of hounding out those that are least likey to be able to defend themselves.........I AM NOT A SCROUNGER, I'M ILL. Target those that have 10 kids & never worked a day in their lives not those of us that are willing to try AGAINST ALL ODDS.

Depressed, Disillusioned Disappointed & Damn right Angry of london