Thursday, 17 April 2008

Confusing letter from the DWP.

The DWP are sending out the annual letter telling you of your entitlement. My partner received one today. I know someone else has added a comment to a previous post on this.

Having submitted his DLA556 over a month ago he hoped it was his decision. He was panic stricken whilst opening it.

Addressed from "DLA SR Pilot Team"

It says the "Amount of money we pay you is going up" and mentioned indefinitely.

I asked him to give the DWP a call to confirm IF this letter was notification of his award that is expected.

Alas, NO. It was just the yearly letter sent out at the beginning of every financial year. His decision should be due in a few weeks.

Understandably he was upset and took some time to calm - medication helped.

It would have been a good idea if the DWP had inserted a note that this wasn't a decision that that would arrive in a separate letter.

So we continue to worry.

If you need clarification of any letter the DWP send you. Ring them and ask them. They are happy to clarify.

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