Thursday, 17 April 2008

My situation & DWP legislation used

This relates to my personal circumstances and yours maybe different.

I asked under what piece of legislation this review was taking place.

Reference was made to the Disability Living Allowance Advisory Board (DLAAB) and the report on "special rules".


"You query the use of the law, the use of the DS1500 and the review itself. We are permitted to review benefit under Regulation32 (1) of the Social Security (Claims and Payments) Regulations. Although your claim for benefit was awarded for life does not exclude it from any future reviews that we wish to undertake. Further information with regard to reviews is also provided in the annual uprating letters that you should have prevously recieved. The DS1500 refers only to your original application in 199x and will not form part of the current review"

The "uprating letters" are those you receive, yearly. Detailing your award and the levels it is paid at.

I also asked if this review. Given the stress it puts many under doesn't contrivene the Human Rights Act.


"This review complies with legislation including the Human Rights Act."

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