Thursday, 10 April 2008

Feedback from users.


Please let us know how and what you think about the website. Is there anything you want to see covered? Email me.


This morning heard of two more claims that stayed the same. The time frame on average thus far is 4 to 5 months.


Anonymous said...

What does the letter look like when the decision remains the same after review?
The reason I ask is that I have recieved my usual annual letter of increase but it is from the DLA SR Pilot Team awarding my new rate for an indefinite period. My partner seems to think that this is the decision I have been waiting for but I am doubtful. My review started in January and have heard nothing since.
I would hate people to get the wrong idea when there annual increase letter arrives.

p.s. I tried to post a comment on but had problems with the verification. Which blog is the one current one?

John said...

It does sound like your decision. By all means ring them and ask the DWP what the letter means. I have not seen a decision letter thus far so cannot confirm. If it is would you let me know.

Until the website is bedded in I will run both in parallel. If you post to either I will copy it to the other to maintain the comments as up to date.

Thanks for taking the time to comment it makes a huge difference.
