Wednesday 13 February 2008

I called the campaign office for Mr. Brian Paddick

Following on from an earlier post where it was suggested I contact Mr. Brian Paddick Mayoral contender for the Liberal Democrats in London. I telephoned his campaign office this morning.

It has to be understood that any benefit review or change is an action of National Government. Outside of the remit of the Mayor of London.

I explained to the gentleman I spoke to. That it had been suggested to me by a previous poster. I approach Mr. Paddick. Whereas I understood this issue was outside of the campaign for Mayor. It would be helpful for Mr. Paddick, when he engages with the gay community. Where this issue was raised. He would have some background to draw from.

Also that we would all appreciate it if he would, where he could, make people aware of this issue.

On behalf of us all. Thanks Mr. Paddick for any effort you make in creating more awareness of this issue.

Note: The author of this site has to remain politically neutral. This entry does not constitute an endorsement of any political party.

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