Thursday 6 March 2008

10 Downing Street Petitions..

There are two petitions I want to bring to your attention. If you want to help our cause please sign both.

10 Downing Street petition on the Right Payment Program.

This is the primary petition I would encourage you to sign. It is the one signed by the supporters mentioned on this page.

Looking at the existing DLA petitions. They were all either on a specific point of the DLA or for a specific medical condition.

As we are trying to achieve fairness for all, including ourselves. That none of the existing petitions mention the impact of the review. To also lend publicity to our cause.

I have started our own petition.

It can be found at

I know these things if high in number can beco
me lost in the mire. But our petition is unique in content.



Anonymous said...

I have sent emails to friends & relatives that are aware of my status BUT probably not aware of the benefits situation & have been forced to have written it as follows:

Dear friends & family
Just a quick mail to ask you if you may be aware off a political who-ha that's going on that affects not only me, immensely, but a small but devastated group of 'older' gay men as well as a much larger proportion of registered disabled groups reliant on benefits.

Please take some time out to check out the site
The site is run by someone I believe we can trust, with a very important link on the site to a downing street petition.

You probably not really aware of how many gay men you all may know that will be sadly effected & being forced without say or consultation in to this very difficult situation. No one really wants to brag about being a state supported bum.....THE LAST THING I WANT PEOPLE TO SEE IS ME ON A BAD DAY, (wagging tounges & so forth)hence when I am able to get out I try to look my best so no one would guess my illness)....we have enough to deal with medication & HIV discrimination without just another persecution & prejudice. We are a very worried silent minority.

Enough of this seriousness already. :-)
but if you agree with the agenda of the web site I would be pleased if you could comment, sign or just pass it on.

Love & regards.

John said...

On behalf of us all I salute your bravery & thank you for your support.

By drawing people to this issue. We create a voice. With every person we become louder.

And if you ever feel I have abused your trust I fully expect and place a duty on you, to tell me.

There are more of us organisationally comming on board and I expect to publish details to the web as soon as possible.

Anonymous said...

Hi John, with regard to the latest petition 'DLAEquity' have you had confirmation that the name George Michael is the person we all assume? Not that it really matters.

I just would be s sick joke if just a TAG some one has played.

I would like to say that though, I read this blog everyday, every morning I wake & every night before bed. I feel so many emotions as I go from comment to comment from anger to humility to sadness & HOPE. ANGER at those that expect us to turn over & die, HUMILITY at the support & courage of the contributors, SADNESS in remembering those lost to us who never made it through the first stages of the 'DONT DIE OF IGNORANCE' era
(Not since the 1st world war has so many young people seen so many of their peers die in such an unfair way)& then of course HOPE that we are not alone in the quest to right these wrongs.
How many more times does one Gay cperson have to 'OUT' themselves in order to justify their exsistance. From Hello I'm gay, to well actually I'm now HIV & then now to Help I'm still here & still need support. I for one will make sure I'm not forgotten!

I draw strenght from this blog, although my mood is almost always in a state of meloncholy almost tearful at times, I wish you & all involved in this time of political 'weeding' THE VERY BEST!


John said...

I have had no confirmation as yet. There are checks & balances on the Petition site.

Who ever this "George Michael" is. Thank you for your continued support of a cause affecting all disabled people who recieve DLA in the UK.
